mmts route map
Below is the MMTS route map which shows the no of stations which come across every route, based on the traffic the south central railways increase the frequency every year. The phase 1 mmts route map in blue color in below mmts route map image, where as phase 2 route map is in orange color. MMTS Route Map Phase1 and Phase 2 The phase 1 was completed in year 2005, currently 121 trips daily mmts trains runs between these routes. Lingampally to Hyderabad, Hyderabad to Lingampally, Lingampally to Falaknuma and Falaknuma to Lingampally, Lingampally to Secunderabad, and Secunderabad to Lingampally, Falaknuma to Hyderabad, Hyderabad to Falaknuma, etc. The phase 2 work is speeding up now as Telangana government is sharing two thirds of the expenditure and rest of the amount by Central Governemnt Indian Railways. Phase 2 will cover the Secunderabad to Manoharabad and Falaknuma to umdanagar etc. The work is going on so that it can be finished up ear...